Los Angeles National Origin Discrimination Lawyers
Put More than 50 Combined Years of Experience on Your Side
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits an employer from discriminating against any employee because of that employee’s national origin. Because there is rarely “smoking gun” evidence of racial discrimination, circumstantial evidence will usually suffice. If you were subjected to this kind of discrimination, contact an employment law attorney at Feldman Browne, APC today for a free consultation about what to do next.
Call (310) 984-1415 now or contact Feldman Browne, APC online to schedule your free consultation and begin building your case.
Building a Successful Case
Having the right evidence is crucial to building a strong case. To raise an inference of discrimination, an employee may utilize statistical evidence, comparative evidence, or direct evidence. Direct evidence, such as discriminatory comments made by the decision maker, is often the most persuasive.
An inference of discrimination is usually raised by showing that the employee:
- Belongs to a protected class (i.e., comes from a country different from that of the company’s management or the majority of workers)
- Was subjected to an adverse employment action (like termination, demotion, or suspension)
- Similarly situated employees outside the protected class were treated differently and more favorably
In larger companies, it may be possible to use statistical analysis to demonstrate that the employer systematically discriminates against a particular race or national origin in hiring, promotions, and terminations. Such evidence would raise an inference that the action taken against a particular employee of that race or national origin was also infected by racial animus or prejudice.
Comparative evidence also raises an inference of discrimination by showing that different rules and standards were applied for persons of different races and national origins.
Because discrimination cases usually turn on specific facts, and there is usually a one-year time limit for filing, it is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after a potentially discriminatory action has been taken.
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today
Feldman Browne, APC comprises numerous award-winning lawyers who have experience taking on sizable, reputable companies on behalf of employees who suffered from discrimination based on national origin. We are here to take your side. By scheduling your free consultation today, you can begin collecting everything necessary to ensure you obtain the best possible outcome for your situation.
Call (310) 984-1415 now and get started.

Recognized as one of the top employee rights law firms in California.