Wage & Hour Violations Attorneys in Los Angeles
Top Employment & Labor Attorneys
The Los Angeles wage and hour violations lawyers at Feldman Browne, APC handle wage and hour class action lawsuits for violations of overtime, minimum wage compensation, and meal and rest break laws. We have represented workers in class action lawsuits throughout the state, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland, and San Diego.
Please call (310) 984-1415 or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation with a knowledgeable attorney.
Minimum Wage & Overtime Compensation
Our wage and hour violations attorneys in Los Angeles are committed to protecting your legal rights to minimum wage within the full scope of the law. California has raised the minimum wage several times in recent years. As of January 2019, employees are entitled to be paid at least $12 per hour for regular wages in California. As of July 1, the City of Los Angeles increased minimum wage to $13.25 for employers with 25 or fewer employees, $14.25 for 26 or more workers, and $16.63 for hotel workers.
The rules for overtime compensation include:
- A compensation rate of one and a half times the regular wages
- Overtime payments for all hours worked over 8 in a day and 40 in a week
- Double the regular rate for hours worked in excess of 12 in one day
While it is difficult for one employee to sue a large company for wage and hour violations, employees can join together in a class action lawsuit to seek justice and compensation for the wages and overtime pay they are owed. Our wage and hour violations attorneys in Los Angeles handle class action lawsuits against employers in California who violate laws related to wage compensation and overtime compensation.
Requirements for Meals & Rest Breaks
In addition to wages and overtime pay, there are laws in place to provide employees with meal and rest breaks. The law requires employers to permit employees with uninterrupted 30-minute meal breaks and two ten-minute rest breaks for every 8-hour shift. The employer may not take action that discourages employees from taking breaks. If your employer is failing to pay minimum wage, overtime compensation, or provide meal and rest breaks, an experienced attorney from our firm can advise you of your rights.
Take the first step with a free consultation. Call (310) 984-1415 for an appointment.

Recognized as one of the top employee rights law firms in California.